Teresa Terry

Lead Instructor, Associate of Science in Nursing

BSN, Cox College

ASN, Ozarks Technical Community College

Office phone: 417-447-7489

Teresa Terry, BSN, RN, TNCC is a nursing instructor in the Associate of Science in Nursing Program. She graduated with her PN in 2014 and ASN in 2015 from Ozarks Technical Community College. Teresa obtained her BSN from Cox College in 2019, graduating with honors. Teresa is currently attending Aspen University to obtain a Masters of Nursing in Nursing Education with graduation anticipated in October 2023.

Teresa has experience in the prehospital setting with more than 20 years of experience as a licensed paramedic.  During her prehospital experience as a paramedic, Teresa also taught in prehospital education for 15 years. In 2015, Teresa began her RN experience working in the emergency room.

In 2017, Teresa began teaching trauma courses within Cox Health Systems. In 2020, Teresa accepted a part-time position teaching in the ASN program at OTC while continuing to teach within Cox Health Systems. In 2021 Teresa accepted a full-time position teaching in the ASN program. Teresa continues to teach on an as needed basis within Cox Health Systems.