OTC Center of Excellence for Medical Simulation

OTC’s Center of Excellence for Medical Simulation, offers a virtual medical facility at the Springfield campus, which includes four simulation rooms, state of the art control rooms, and debriefing centers. Each of the simulation rooms can be altered to portray a variety of environments. CEMS also offers simulation at other campus labs and various offsite locations. Through CEMS technology simulation can go outdoors, inside a vehicle, or to another community facility.

The Center has multiple high fidelity and mid fidelity simulators, task trainers, and virtual training tools. Simulations can be as simple as checking vital signs in a simulated clinic, or as complicated as a major vehicle collision involving extrication of moulaged manikins using jaws of life, and advanced medical care. The highly trained and flexible team have experience in developing and running simulations for all medical programs, fire fighters, law enforcement, and military. A team that adheres to best practices for simulation, and ensures simulations meet their high standards, means a great experience for learners every time.

Our Mission is to provide a safe educational environment for learners to gain confidence in their care, develop their skills, become excellent care providers, and support practicing providers with ongoing education and training.