OTC Fine Arts Gallery presents Meike Aton: Touching Sky and Earth
Please come join us Friday, November 04, 2016, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., for the opening reception of guest artist Meike Aton’s show entitled, Touching Sky and Earth.
Touching Sky and Earth -and everything in between
Reflecting on nature, it fills me with awe! Be it a simple Rock, (it’s just not simple though!) or the whole mountain, a plant in all of its vibrancy or an insect in it’s secretive ways, they hold mysterious connections in the cosmic cycle.
Using the colors and textures absorbed in observation I recreate all I see between sky and earth into a dreamlike landscape. Some dreams are powerful and vibrant, some are gentle and soft.
“May you be touched by these dreams!”
About the Artist:
Art has always been an integral part of my life.
As a child growing up in Germany, I made dolls including their accessories, knitted intricately patterned sweaters of my own design and drew the surrounding nature.
After a teaching career in Florida and raising two sons, I was finally able to return to the art world with vigor.
My current style of brightly colored, large abstract and mixed media paintings, is heavily influenced by my mentor Frits van Eeden, and workshops taken in Taos, NM, Marco Island, FL and Massachusetts.
My art is inspired by a plethora of images from nature, other artists like Cezanne, Monet, O’Keeffe, Macke, Rothko and Richter to name just a few, and of course color! The environment I live in, the places I go to, they all carry inspirational power over me.
In my creating, the best outcome always comes from an emotional place, when my brain gets turned off and my heart on. It’s like being led by a power outside me, if I allow it in.
You can find my Award winning Art in a number of businesses, Art Fairs, Art events and airports in Florida, Missouri and Germany on a regular basis.
Appreciation for my art has led to numerous awards as well as being featured in a variety of local and international publications reaching as far as Korea and Germany. Private and corporate collectors of my Art can be found from Canada to South America and Europe.
Visit my Gallery:
1200 E Woodhurst Dr Building K
Springfield, Mo 65804
Please feel free to contact me for more info on my Art and for purchasing the Art on display or on my website: MeikesArt@gmail.com or call 417-343-3481 Find me on FB: Meike Aton Art and on the web WWW.MeikeAton.com
Thank you and enjoy the display.
This will be an even’t that you do not want to miss. Invite your friends and family!
Note: OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz is an Early Bird Art Walk location: its art reception starts at 5 and ends at 9 p.m.
OTC Fine Arts Department and Gallery
3rd Floor Gillioz Theater
325 Park Central East
(417) 447-8975
email: otc.edu/finearts