OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz presents the Annual Central Ozarks Conference Juried High School Exhibition. OTC is delighted to present a show of outstanding artwork in 27 visual art categories by students from six area high schools: Reeds Spring, Bolivar, Buffalo, Hollister, Logan-Rogersville and Marshfield. Enjoy the Art Walk Reception from 5 to 9 p.m., including the Awards Ceremony at 7 p.m. Be sure to cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award Note: OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz is an Early Bird Art Walk location: its art reception starts at 5 and ends at 9 p.m.
OTC Fine Arts Department and Gallery
3rd Floor Gillioz Theater 325 Park Central East
(417) 447-8975 email: otc.edu/finearts