- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-102 Music Therapy Orientation
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-110 Music Fundamentals
- MUS-115 Introduction to Songwriting
- MUS-120 Theory and Musicianship I
- MUS-121 Theory and Musicianship II
- MUS-126 Sight Singing and Ear Training II
- MUS-130 Piano I - For Music Major
- MUS-131 Piano Class II
- MUS-132 Piano I for Non-Music Majors
- MUS-134 Voice Class I
- MUS-135 Choir I
- MUS-136 Voice Class II
- MUS-140 Small Ensemble
- MUS-145 Jazz Ensemble
- MUS-150 Guitar Class I
- MUS-151 Guitar Class II
- MUS-201 Latin-American Music
- MUS-220 Theory and Musicianship III
- MUS-221 Theory and Musicianship IV
- MUS-230 Piano Class III
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- MUS-236 OTC Chamber Singers