This is our most exciting Art Walk of the semester as it is our Spring Student Showcase Exhibition. Join us Friday, May 05, 2017, from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Gillioz Theater. We will have the best on display from our visual arts courses: Drawing I and II, Painting I, Ceramics, 2-D Design, and 3-D Design. MUSIC student performances will also take place 6:00 p.m. Student performers have been selected from classes such as: Songwriting, Guitar I, Voice I, Men’s and Women’s Voice Ensembles, and Piano. First Friday Art Walk Spring Student Showcase promises to be a wonderful celebration of hard-work and creativity culminating in this end of the semester community event.
OTC Fine Arts Department and Gallery
3rd Floor Gillioz Theater
325 Park Central East
(417) 447-8975