Please come join us Friday, September 02, 2016, from 5 p. to 9 p.m., for the opening reception of guest artist Alison Simmons‘ show entitled, Traffic Jam.
“For as long as I can remember, cars have fascinated me. I think it ties into my love of glistening things. There is an animal in Colorado, where I grew up, called the Pack Rat. This creature will take shiny things that are not put away, but always replace the item with something of lesser value, like a stick or a leaf. When a Pack Rat’s nest is found, it is full of all sorts of beautiful things.
‘Traffic Jam’ is my nest. Welcome.”
About the Artist:
Growing up in Colorado with artist parents, Alison Simmons was surrounded at an early age with art. This experience, which turned into a passion for the arts, proved beneficial when she earned her bachelor’s and later her master’s degree in Studio Art.
Alison finds pleasure in noticing things that others typically don’t. Looking carefully at an object, noticing every detail and translating that visual language to her canvas is what drives her saying, “Automobiles with all of their beautiful curves and lines are fascinating when paired with reflections of everyday life and people. Vintage cars fit nicely because of their physical extravagance yet they also have a quiet confidence about them.” An average painting takes forty hours to complete, combining skill and layers of colors.
Using realistic style tied to abstract thought and technique is one of the many reasons she is highly motivated by Georgia O’Keeffe and Chuck Close among others.
Alison has shown her art in numerous exhibits in the Springfield, Missouri area, where she now lives with her family
Invite your friends and family!
Note: OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz is an Early Bird Art Walk location: its art reception starts at 5 and ends at 9 p.m.
OTC Fine Arts Department and Gallery
3rd Floor Gillioz Theater
325 Park Central East
(417) 447-8975