May_artwalk (FN)4OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz presents the Spring Student Showcase Exhibition. This is our most exciting Art Walk of the semester as it is our Spring Student Showcase Exhibition. Join us Friday, May 6 from 5PM to 9PM on the 3rd floor of the Gillioz theater. We will have the best on display from our visual arts courses: Drawing I and II, Painting I, Ceramics, 2-D Design, and 3-D Design. MUSIC student performances will also take place from 5:30PM to 8:30PM. Student performers have been selected from classes such as: Songwriting, Guitar I, Voice I, Men’s and Women’s Voice Ensembles, and Piano. First Friday Art Walk Spring Student Showcase promises to be a wonderful celebration of hard-work and creativity culminating in this end of the semester community event.

Invite your friends and family!

Note: OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz is an Early Bird Art Walk location: its art reception starts at 5 and ends at 9 p.m.

OTC Fine Arts Department and Gallery

                                                                                            3rd Floor Gillioz Theater
                                                                                                              325 Park Central East
                                                                                                              (417) 447-8975