The TLC Tutoring Program Mission & Goals is to provide quality tutoring that supports student learning and empowers students to achieve success. Through Learning Partnerships, students can receive face-to-face as well as online assistance for such courses as accounting, computer applications, math, nursing math, reading, sciences, study skills, and world languages. Math tutoring and computer assistance (on Canvas, MyOTC and Microsoft Office) are available whenever the TLC is open. You can find all subject schedules here. For more information view Contact Us.

TLC’s Certification and Awards
- College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Tutoring Certification levels 1-3
- CRLA Mentor Certification levels 1-3
- National Organization for Student Success (formerly National Association for Developmental Education) Tutoring Center Accreditation
- Zoom Innovative Award
“I really have learned a lot in the short amount of time I’ve been going to school. One of the biggest things that saved me was utilizing the tutor program that OTC offers. Those people have been saints with their patience and understanding. They treated an “old guy” like one of their peers and I’m grateful for it. Now if I have any questions I just go up to the school, or even easier, take in a zoom meeting and get help on the spot.” – Ozarks Tech Student
“Although OTC provides many services for their students, I have only utilized the tutoring services. At the Springfield location theyare located on the second floor of Information Commons East. I received tutoring originally for extra credit in my Spanish I class, however I then began regularly attending tutoring in order to better understand and grasp what I was learning. Tutoring is extremely beneficial for students that need extra motivation, help with homework, and even just extra assistance overall. The Speckman Tutoring Center is great and I highly recommend it for all students attending OTC.” – Ozarks Tech Student
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