Visit this page to learn more about the terminology associated with OTC articulated credit.
Visit this page to learn more about the terminology associated with OTC articulated credit.
Connects classroom learning in high school programs with student development of essential skills relevant to entry into a post-secondary system and the workplace.
Applied relates to connecting what students learn in the classroom with the world they experience around them.
Academics is the focus for learning that motivates and challenges students to reach higher standards.
Can be broadly defined as a process for linking of two or more educational systems within a community to help students make a smooth transition from one level to another without experiencing delays, duplication of courses, or loss of credit. One of the clearest, most comprehensive, most meaningful descriptions of articulation was written over a decade ago. It describes articulation as a process, an attitude, and a goal:
As a process, articulation is the coordination of policies and practices among sectors of the education system to produce a smooth flow of students from one sector to another. However, looked at as an attitude, it is exemplified by the willingness of educators in all sectors to work together to transcend the individual and institutional self-interest that impedes the maximum development of the student. As a goal, it is the creation of an educational system without artificial divisions, so that the whole educational period becomes one unbroken flow, which varies in speed for each individual, and which eliminates loss of credit, delays and unnecessary duplication of effort.
Is a written, formal document that specifies the process by which a high school student may earn college credit through successful completion of certain high school courses when students achieve learning outcomes, skills, and abilities comparable to those covered in a college course. The process allows high school students to move slowly into post-secondary education without experiencing delay or duplication of courses. Generally, the college credit is not awarded until the student is enrolled at the college articulating the credit. Because the courses involved are at the high school level, the student pays no tuition.
Are clusters of occupations/careers that are grouped because many of the people in them share similar interests and strengths. All paths include a variety of occupations that require different levels of education and training. Selecting a career path provides you with an area of focus, along with flexibility and a variety of ideas to pursue.
The Career Paths include the following:
Online registration database and tracking system.
Between schools and businesses focus on the identification of skills necessary for employment to help establish benchmarks for education
and skill achievement. Such collaborative efforts can help students develop relevant skills for the workplace through revised up-to-date curriculum, apprenticeship, and mentoring experiences.
OTC defines competencies as detailed tasks, skills, abilities and proficiencies institutions require students to attain. Instructors set these objectives forth in the course syllabus.
Is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, workers, and engage in the hard work that learning requires.
Contextual teaching and learning strategies:
Provides the opportunity for high school students to enroll in courses (while in high school) approved by a post-secondary institution for college credit. The student is able to receive college credit from the post-secondary institution involved and other colleges and universities, which accept transfer credit from that post-secondary institution. Dual credit courses are usually general education level courses and are open to students who qualify for admission for college-level work. The high school student generally pays tuition, though it may be reduced, for dual credit courses. In order for the course to meet the dual credit criteria, the post-secondary institution may dictate the textbook, syllabus, grading system, teacher qualifications, and other course requirements.
These are the transcripts that are sent directly from one education institute to another. They are only official if they bear the signature of the central recordkeeper (e.g. Registrar, Director of Records, etc.).
Is defined as growth in an individual’s knowledge, skill, and personal effectiveness. Our goal is for all educators to make the maximum contribution to their departments, while having opportunities to develop their talents, to acquire and use new skills and knowledge, and thus to achieve greater career effectiveness and satisfaction.
Was a national effort that is improving schools all over the country. Technical Preparation was the ultimate goal of developing a world-class workforce that is academically and technically competent. It prepares students for lifelong learning in an always challenging, ever-changing environment. Tech Prep makes a difference in students’ lives across the country. It does this by preparing them for rewarding employment or for the pursuit of further education.
This preparation allowed students to prepare a planned sequence of study beginning in high school. After which, the sequence continued through at least two years of post-secondary technical education. Tech Prep was designed to replace the general education program for students desiring a vocational option.
The planned sequence of courses begins in high school. Career awareness programs will begin in the elementary schools, showing students many types of options. These options will include professional as well as technical careers. The career awareness should grow into career exploration in the middle school years that will provide exposure to a wide variety of career options.
Tech Prep included liberal arts as well as practical arts and is based on contextual learning. Students have a better understanding of a concept when they learn in context.
Much of the Tech Prep curriculum was competency based. The competencies allow students, instructors, and employers to see what the students have learned. The competencies are very important in the articulation process.
The technical courses in a Tech Prep program were part of an articulation process that eliminated duplication and allowed students the smoothest path to completing their educational and career goals. Students taking technical courses at a technical school or a comprehensive high school can earn college credit when they articulate to Ozarks Technical Community College while still in high school.