What is the Carol Jones Writing Center?
What is the Carol Jones Writing Center?
OTC offers its students and the surrounding community free tutoring services through the Carol Jones Writing Center. We help students of all skill levels improve their writing. From generating brainstorming ideas to learning how to cite properly, we’re here to help you with any step of the writing process.
How do I schedule a face-to-face appointment?
How do I schedule a face-to-face appointment?
You can schedule an appointment by calling 417-447-8235. You can also schedule an appointment in person.
What should I bring to my appointment?
What should I bring to my appointment?
Please Bring:
In order to take full advantage of your one-hour tutorial, please try to be on time and come prepared to work. We ask that you bring your assignment sheet if your instructor has supplied one.
We Supply:
We have computers, a printer, guidebooks, dictionaries, thesauruses and other resource material available for your use while you are here.
How do I schedule an online tutoring session?
How do I schedule an online tutoring session?
You must schedule online tutorials at least 24 hours in advance by calling 417-447-8235.
How should I prepare for my online appointment?
How should I prepare for my online appointment?
Technology Requirements
After you schedule your appointment, we will email you important instructions on how to access the online classroom. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully. We ask that you prepare your computer by running the setup wizard in advance. We recommend that you have a headset. Or if not, be able to talk on the telephone in order to communicate easily with your tutor. However, this is not required.
Can I study in the Carol Jones Writing Center?
Can I study in the Carol Jones Writing Center?
Yes! We have a cozy sitting area, computers, and a printer! It is a great place to hang out and study. However, tutorials are a conversation, which means we are not a silent study area. In addition, if all the computers are in use and a tutorial needs to utilize one, we may ask you to move.