TLC has been known as the math tutoring center by many students, but we have a lot more to offer than just math. We also help with science classes, world languages, accounting, economics, computer science and programming. The specific subjects that we offer each semester may vary based on tutors’ availability. Our schedules get updated weekly so we always encourage students to check our website for subjects, times, and locations.
We try to meet our students where they are. In the spring of 2020, we expanded our online math and chemistry tutoring to all subject areas. Although we were able to return to the in-person tutoring, we continue to offer online tutoring as well.
In the fall semester of 2022, we added text tutoring to our services. Students are welcome to text us their questions. Both, online tutoring and text tutoring are great resources to all students whether they take their classes online or at any of OTC’s campuses.
While on the main Springfield campus you can find us in ICE 212 (our central location), ICE 223 (computer lab) and in NKM 235 (science suite). Our newest addition is a partnership with the Hamra Library (IC 100). It provides students with an additional evening access to tutoring and library services.
Students do not need to make appointments to receive tutoring. The two exceptions are math and academic coaching. While walk-ins are welcomed, appointments are strongly encouraged. Both types of coaching sessions consist of 50 minutes of one-on-one tutoring.
Math coaching appointments are offered for selected math courses as well as math portion of certain health sciences. Academic coaching, on the other hand, is not limited by a content area. Academic coaches are trained to help students with various study strategies that are applicable to any subject.