TLC Mission & Goals


The Speckman Tutoring & Learning Center (TLC) is a service area employing full-time and part-time instructors who also provide classroom instruction. The mission of the TLC is to support student learning in a manner that empowers students to take responsibility for their own learning and life. We seek to help students recognize their own potential and to help them improve skills they need to function more effectively in an increasingly diverse and demanding college environment.

TLC Goals:

  • Personal Awareness: Student will engage in self-assessment of his/her academic learning and personal growth.
  • College Awareness: Student will better negotiate campus culture and resources.
  • Course Readiness: Student will successfully begin the next level of developmental coursework in English, reading, and/or math.
  • Foundational Skill Set: Student will gain proficiency in skills pertinent to success in coursework of all disciplines.


Our mission is to provide quality tutoring that supports student learning and empowers students to achieve success.

Tutoring Goals:

  • Learner Centered: To increase student engagement in the learning process, fostering academic improvement and greater understanding in tutored courses.
  • Integrity Based: To ensure delivery of services that upholds high academic standards, empowering students to become responsible, active, and interdependent learners who are able to adapt to different learning environments.
  • Service Oriented: To serve diverse student populations, reducing barriers for student success by responding to their unique learning needs.
  • Supportive: To provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment that supports teacher instruction and supplements student learning.