Go Anywhere Literary Magazine 2017

You have the privilege of reading the first issue of Ozarks Technical Community College’s Go Anywhere Literary Magazine. Its contents represent all that is best about this uniquely American concept—the community college. Like our college, this volume is a diverse and wonderful collection of ideas, characters, voices and backgrounds. We reflect the differences in the authors’ experiences in our pages.

OTC is a place that invites anyone from anywhere to “start here; go anywhere.” For some of our students, it is truly a start, a choice they make at the beginning of their adult lives. For others, it is a chance to start over. Americans believe in second chances, and community college is a place to start again. No matter where they have been or what their experience, at OTC each student is welcomed, respected, and encouraged to “Go Anywhere.”

We selected the works in this publication with that philosophy in mind. Not all of them will appeal to every reader, but all of them together tell the story of our community, our college and our culture.

More About the OTC English Department

-Go Anywhere Magazine 2017