
Go Anywhere Literary Magazine

Perspective is this year’s theme, and I have made it a personal goal to change my perspective about my role as the faculty advisor of Go Anywhere. This year, I have (tried) to give up much of the control of the process to the students. I have been fortunate to have a staff that is both talented and patient. They have taken over the responsibilities for everything from soliciting submissions to planning the party. Best of all, they have taken over editing. In many ways, editing has been the hardest part of the process for me to let go. Every other year, I have edited nearly every piece of writing. It’s always been time consuming drudgery, but it was something that I held on to. This year, I have passed that time consuming drudgery onto my students. (You’re welcome, students!) It’s been both wonderful and terrifying, but ultimately, it’s been immensely satisfying. There is no greater joy for an educator than watching students shine. I am incredibly proud of the amazing students who made the 8th edition of Go Anywhere.

Jane Cowden,
Go Anywhere Faculty Advisor

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