
This last Saturday, Michelle Howard, our Allied Health Simulations Lab Director, spent the day on the battlefield in Afghanistan with our Army National Guard.  These medics saved a soldier whose leg was blown off when his Humvee was hit with an IED (improvised explosive device).  They saved a soldier whose eye was avulsed (torn out)…

Deep Processing

Michelangelo memorized all of Dante’s writings according to his biographer, Condivi.  Whether or not that is true, an intelligent person in that time was a person who could memorize large amounts of material.  When John F. Kennedy was President he held a dinner in the white House for a group of Nobel Prize recipients.  During…


Nourishing the Teacher Last week in the yoga class I teach for our Physical Therapist Assistant students I had them introduce themselves and tell me one thing that brings them joy in their life.  One of the students talked about her daughter.  Joy was actually her daughter’s middle name.  When her daughter was born she…

Beth Ruddick

A few of you might remember a show from the 70’s called “The Paper Chase” that displayed the tribulations of students in law school in which John Houseman played Professor Kingsfield, a crotchety teacher who taught his entire class using legal cases.   In one of the memorable lines from the movie, Professor Kingsfield says, “You come in…