Creating, implementing, and sustaining the CORE Experiences project is OTC’s Quality Initiative Project for our ongoing accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission.  We are happy to share the details and progress of this project with you here:

Initial Proposal & Approval

Deliverables accomplished:

Fall 2018

  • Assessment of Student Learning Committee (now called General Education Assessment Committee) established
  • Initial Competency Assessment Plan created for all Competencies
    • step of adding an initial introduction and pre-survey to OTC 101 course added to plan
  • review and refinement of Initial Competency Assessment Plan by Dean’s Council and General Education Department Chairs 

Spring 2019

Summer 2019

Fall 2019

  • official introduction of CORE Experiences process to adjunct faculty
  • 1st PD related to CORE Experiences available for faculty
  • 1st implementation of 2 of 4 CORE Experiences into CORE classes and OTC 101
  • Pre- or Baseline survey given to OTC 101 students between weeks 2 & 3 of 16 week term – results available here