Library Study Rooms on Springfield Campus

The Ozarks Tech Library on the Springfield campus has two reservable study rooms available to currently enrolled students.

  • IC100A: Small glass study room (max occupancy 4)
  • IC100O: Small quiet study room (max occupancy 4)

Due to recent damage in the ICE building, the family study room and large conference room are no longer available. Please contact the library if you have any questions.

Springfield Campus Study Room Policies:

  • Study rooms are only available during regular library hours.
  • Only actively registered students may reserve the study rooms.
  • Study rooms rooms may be used on a first-come basis by any student, faculty, staff, or community member, however, actively registered students will be given priority and other users may be asked to give up the room.
  • Study rooms can only be reserved at the library Service Desk.
  • To help ensure equitable access, study room reservations can only be made on the same day; reservations cannot be made for dates in the future.
  • Due to limited resources, students may use either study room for a maximum of one hour per day.
  • Due to limited resources, students are not able to request extensions.
  • Study groups may not make multiple reservations under the names of other group members. Groups found violating this guideline will have their reservation(s) canceled and repeat offenders may temporarily lose reservation privileges.
  • Reservations will be considered no-shows after 10 minutes past the start time, and will be cancelled.
  • Patrons using the study rooms are expected to abide by the Ozarks Tech Standards of Student Conduct. Violating the standards of conduct may result in loss of study room privileges or additional consequences.

For study rooms at the Richwood Valley Campus, please email or call 417-447-7750.

Questions? Contact us any time at or 417-447-8185.