Not sure where to start? “Best bet” databases are marked with a . Still not sure? Just Ask a Librarian!
SocINDEX with Full Text
Search scholarly peer-reviewed and professional publications on topics including criminal justice, social psychology, religion, racial studies and social work.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
An essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. Provide hundreds of full-text psychology journals, and particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Search peer-reviewed journals on a multitude of subjects, including history, economics, archaeology, classics, language, music, art, sociology, multicultural studies, political science, and more.
Ethnic Diversity Source
More than 450 full text journals, magazines, and newspapers dedicated to the cultures, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America.
Gun Regulation and Legislation in America (HeinOnline)
Includes Congressional reports and hearings, United States Supreme Court briefs, historical documents, and law enforcement materials on the topic of regulating firearms in the United States.
Opposing Viewpoints
Information on today’s hottest social issues, featuring viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full text magazine, academic journal and newspaper articles, primary source documents, statistics, images & podcasts and links to websites.
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law (HeinOnline)
Focuses on legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.
Prep for Your Exams with LearningExpress
Get test prep and practice test materials for program entrance exams and career certification tests including social work (ASWB practice exams) and resume and cover letter builders.