Not sure where to start? “Best bet” databases are marked with a . Still not sure? Just Ask a Librarian!
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
An essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. Provide hundreds of full-text psychology journals, and particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
SocINDEX with Full Text
Search scholarly peer-reviewed and professional publications on topics including criminal justice, social psychology, religion, racial studies and social work.
Academic Search Premier
General/Multidisciplinary Article Database
Search peer-reviewed academic journals, newspapers, magazines, and more across disciplines, from communications and culture to science and social science.
Films on Demand: Counseling & Social Work
Streaming video collection covers counseling and social work skills and professional practice, as well as client and social issues.
Google Scholar
Use this link to search OTC Library’s resources using Google Scholar, which will also search for articles freely available online. This Google Scholar search will prompt you to login with your myOTC username and password.
Search peer-reviewed health and life sciences journals and book chapters published from 1999 to present.
Vocational Studies Premier
Search hundreds of full-text journals and books, covering aviation & automotive, biotechnology, graphic arts & advertising, construction, counseling, criminal justice, electrical engineering, fire science, media production, veterinary assisting, welding, and more
Prep for Your Exams with LearningExpress
Get test prep and practice test materials for program entrance exams and career certification tests including social work (ASWB practice exams) and resume and cover letter builders.