See below for instructions on setting up your account.

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To access the New York Times :

New York Times Logo

How to set up your New York Times account

As an OTC student or Staff/Faculty member, you have access to read the New York Times for free. Below are the steps you’ll need to take in order to sign up and access the Times, as well as how to download the app onto your smart device.

Step One:

Once on the library page, you’ll need to select “Databases A-Z”. Next, scroll down or hit the “N” to get to the New York Times link. Or, click here.

Databases A-Z New York Times


Step Two:

Next, you’ll need to sign up with your OTC email and password, which will act as your log-in for the NY Times. In order to  do this, click the “create account” link and follow the steps.

Create an account

The next page will look like this, enter your OTC email, then click “continue” to enter your password.

Sign up


Step Three:

Next, it’ll ask you to choose the type of news you’ll like to view. Here you can customize your preferences (note: you’ll still be able to view the other types of news as well).

Choose What you Like


Step Four:

Get the app! From here you can easily download the app onto your smart device and customize your notifications. If you choose to do this now, the NY Times website can send a link to your smart device, and you can set it up right away.

Get the app


Step Five:

You’re all set! Now you can log-in via your smart device, or while on a computer. You can also sign up to get text/email alerts when breaking news comes in.

View your news

How to download the app via your smart device

If you wish to sign up on your smart device rather than your computer first, that is also possible. In order to access the New York Times directly from your smart device, you’ll need to do the following.

Step One:

Go to your app downloading platform.

App Store Iphone

Step Two:

Search for the New York Times. The icon will appear like below. Download that.

The New York Times

Step Three:

Once you have the app you’ll need to create an account (or if you have one sign-in). Remember to use your OTC email and password.

Create an account


Step Four: 

Once you’ve signed in with your OTC user name and password, or created an account, you can then access the New York Times for daily news, research or even to do a cross-word puzzle.


New York Times For You Page