Link to information on EagleTech technology lending program

Any currently enrolled Ozarks Tech student may borrow a hotspot or laptop. There is a limited supply and students fill out the request form above to be placed on the waitlist until a device becomes available.

  • All devices must be borrowed from and returned to the Hamra Library on the Springfield campus (IC-100) during regular operating hours.
  • Borrowers will be expected to show a photo ID (OTC ID or driver license). If the patron is unable to be present due to circumstances such as hospitalization, or if they are otherwise unable to physically come to campus to check out materials, they may communicate with library staff to arrange for a proxy (e.g., partner, parent) to to pick up their materials and check out items on their behalf. The designated individual must present their own photo ID along with a written authorization from the patron named on the account. At this time, it is only possible to check out materials if the proxy can video call at the Service Desk with the patron off-campus.
  • A student may borrow one laptop along with one wifi hotspot. It is not guaranteed that both devices will be available at the same time.
  • Devices will be loaned for 14 days. If no other students are waiting at the end of the 14-day period, it may be possible to renew the loan.
  • When your device is ready, you will receive an email notification and the device will be held for you for three business days.
  • Failure to return EagleTech devices as agreed will result in holds on registration or transcripts, and a charge for replacement costs.

Please contact the Springfield campus via email at with any questions about the EagleTech program.

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