Not sure where to start? “Best bet” databases are marked with a . Still not sure? Just Ask a Librarian!
Hospitality & Tourism Complete
Covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.
Films on Demand: Culinary Arts
Streaming video collection includes demonstrations of culinary skills and documentaries about world cuisine.
Business Source Premier
Provides access to the scholarly, trade, and mainstream business press. Also includes some industry reports and SWOT analyses.
Global Road Warrior
Browse information about nearly 200 countries including cultural, demographic, economic, political and historical information. Each nation includes detailed maps.
Books in the Library
Use the online library catalog to discover books you can check out (in both print and e-book format) on cooking and culinary arts.
Online access to the journal Savuer. Emphasizes heritage and tradition, home cooking and real food from around the world. NOTE: Make sure to scroll down the page to see the journal information and the menu of links on the right side of the page tp access past issues from 2011 to 2020.
The only magazine in the United States exclusively targeting culinary, baking and pastry students. Includes articles on emerging job markets, mentoring, continuing education, culinary trends and product application, as well as scholarship information and culinary/pastry techniques. Sizzle is a free digital quarterly publication of the American Culinary Federation; access online or via the free app.
Prep for Your Exams with LearningExpress
Get test prep and practice test materials for program entrance exams and career advancement tools including college prep, CLEP tests, and resume and cover letter builders.