Databases for Computer Science & Information Technology

Databases for Computer Science and Information Technology

Not sure where to start? “Best bet” databases are marked with a Gold Star icon. Still not sure? Just Ask a Librarian!

Gold Star icon Academic Search Premier
General/Multidisciplinary Article Database
Search peer-reviewed academic journals, newspapers, magazines, and more across disciplines, from communications and culture to science and social science.

Gold Star icon ScienceDirect
Search peer-reviewed science journals and book chapters published from 1999 to present.

Business Source Premier
Provides access to the scholarly, trade, and mainstream business press. Also includes some industry reports and SWOT analyses.

Science is a leading journal for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. Covering all fields of science, its articles consistently rank among the world’s most cited research.

Prep for Your Exams with LearningExpress
Get test prep and practice test materials for program entrance exams and career advancement tools including college prep, CLEP tests, and resume and cover letter builders.

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