Databases for Health Sciences

Health Sciences Databases

Not sure where to start? “Best bet” databases are marked with a Gold Star icon. Still not sure? Just Ask a Librarian!

Gold Star icon Health Sciences Search (EBSCOhost)
Simultaneously search CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE, Consumer Health Complete, Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source, eBook Clinical Collection, OVID journals, and more.

Gold Star icon Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source
Search academic and professional publications on dentistry including dental public health,, odontology, orthodontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics.

Gold Star iconNursing Reference Center Plus
Essential info including evidence-based care sheets, nursing best practices and CEUs, Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing ImplicationsTaber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, videos, patient education sheets, and more. Get the Nursing Reference Center app

Gold Star iconUpToDate
Clinical decision support for allied health and nursing, providing best practices, patient information, drug information, and clinical calculators. Create a log in to be used when downloading the mobile app (available for Android and iOS).

American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine (Open Access, Available after 1 year)
A biweekly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Thoracic Society, covering respiratory pathophysiology, diseases, and treatments.

American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) 
Access to OTA’s top research journal, the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, now available through EBSCO’s CINAHL Ultimate.

CINAHL Ultimate
The largest source of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 940 journals indexed in CINAHL.

Films on Demand: Allied Health
Streaming video collection includes introductions and demonstrations to medical terminology and technology, anatomy, patient care, medication & pharmacology, and health care professionalism.

Search peer-reviewed medical journals, medical guidelines and more on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.

Rehabilitation Reference Center
Search and browse evidence-based information on diseases and drugs, patient education sheets, exercise images and research instruments.

Search peer-reviewed health and life sciences journals and book chapters published from 1999 to present. OTC subscribes to the Health and Life Sciences and Physical Sciences collections

VisibleBody Web Suite

Click Sign Up and create a Visible Body account to access on mobile or desktop. Once you create an account, download the mobile app (Apple App Store or Google Play) and sign in using your new Visible Body account login to access the Human Anatomy Atlas 2023+. You must create a Visible Body account on the website before you can access the app. Includes comprehensive anatomical atlas, Visible Biology module, anatomy and physiology study module, muscle pathology models, and physiology animations.
  1. Look at the bottom for “Don’t have an Account? Sign Up” and click Sign Up
  2. Use your email address
  3. If you see a prompt for payment, just close the browser.
  4. Enter your address and password you setup for your Visible Body account and click “Sign In”
  5. You should see the welcome screen and a link to launch the VB suite (Visible Body Suite).


Prep for Your Exams with LearningExpress
Get test prep and practice test materials for entrance exams and certification tests including EMTmedical assisting, paramedic (NRP)nursing entrance exams (HESI), OTA, PTAradiologic technology, and  respiratory therapy,

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