Early Childhood Development (A.A.S.)
Early Childhood Development (A.A.S.)
Program Description
A.A.S. Degree: 63 Hours
One of the fastest growing industries in the United States is the child care field. Children's participation rates in early childhood programs continue to increase but national shortages in quality early childhood care givers and programs are a growing concern. The quality of children's care significantly contributes to children's school readiness and an educated staff is the link between quality programs and positive outcomes for children and families. The increasing need for educated care providers can lead to a rewarding and challenging career in preschools, childcare centers, Head Start centers, religious programs, child development centers, public and private schools, and recreational centers.
The degree program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), 1401 H Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202.232.8777 https://www.naeyc.org/
Important to Note When Considering This Program: Students must register with the Family Childcare Safety Registry (FCSR). Students will need to successfully pass the background screening prior to beginning any practicum experience. Additionally, verification of a TB test or TB Risk Assessment must be signed by medical personnel and submitted.
Early Childhood Development Program Requirements - 48 Credit Hours
- ECD-101 Foundations of Early Childhood
- ECD-110 Early Childhood Growth and Development
- ECD-135 Practicum I
- ECD-145 Creativity and the Young Child
- ECD-165 Family and Community in ECD
- ECD-170 Health, Safety & Nutrition
- ECD-185 Practicum II
- ECD-201 Language and Literature in Early Childhood
- ECD-215 S.T.E.A.M. in ECD
- ECD-230 Intro to Children Spec Needs
- ECD-255 Practicum III
- ECD-260 Curriculum and Assessment in ECD
- ECD-269 Sensory and Autism Spectrum
- ECD-270 Classroom and Behavioral Mgmt
- ECD-279 Specialized Teaching Methods
- ECD-299 Capstone Practicum IV
General Education Requirements - 15 Credit Hours
The Missouri Department of Higher Education has identified a common set of general education courses that have been adopted statewide. These courses are called the "CORE 42." CORE 42 courses are guaranteed to transfer to any Missouri public college or university to satisfy general education requirements.
Courses in knowledge areas below, designated with the CORE 42 logo indicates courses in that area have been evaluated and provided a MOTR number for transfer to all Missouri public institutions of higher education.
Courses that do not have this designation may still transfer to public and private colleges and universities in Missouri and elsewhere, but students are encouraged to check the transfer equivalency website of the institution to which they plan to transfer to confirm.
Please refer to the MDHE Core Transfer Curriculum for detailed information on CORE 42 courses.
Mathematical Sciences - 3 Credit Hours
- MTH-105 Business Math
- MTH-128 Contemporary Mathematics
- MTH-128S Cont Mathematics with Support
- MTH-129 Introductory Statistics
- MTH-130 Algebra for Calculus
- MTH-130S Algebra for Calculus With Support
- MTH-138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- MTH-131 Trigonometry
- MTH-140 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
- MTH-141 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MTH-210 Statistical Methods
- MTH-214 Discrete Mathematics
- MTH-215 Algebraic Structures
- MTH-230 Linear Algebra
- MTH-240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
- MTH-241 Differential Equations
Written Communications - 3 Credit Hours
Oral Communications - 3 Credit Hours
Humanities and Fine Arts - 3 Credit Hours
- ART-100 Art and Experience
- ART-101 Art History I
- ART-105 Art History II
- ART-120 Drawing I
- ASL-101 American Sign Language I
- ASL-102 American Sign Language II
- CHN-101 Beginning Chinese
- ENG-180 Introduction to Literature
- ENG-260 Survey of World Literature I
- ENG-265 Survey of World Literature II
- ENG-240 Survey English Literature I
- ENG-241 Survey English Literature II
- ENG-270 Survey American Literature I
- ENG-271 Survey American Literature II
- FRN-101 Beginning French I
- FRN-102 Beginning French II
- GRM-101 Beginning German I
- GRM-102 Beginning German II
- HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-110 Music Fundamentals
- MUS-145 Jazz Ensemble
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL-105 Introduction to Ethics
- REL-100 Intro Religions Of The World
- REL-101 Intro to Old Testament
- REL-102 Intro to New Testament
- SPN-101 Beginning Spanish I
- SPN-102 Beginning Spanish II
- THR-101 Introduction to Theater