What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology (AT) refers to “any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities” (Assistive Technology Industry Association, n.d., para. 2).

AT creates access and enhances the engagement, participation, and learning of OTC’s diverse student body.

Who Benefits from the use of AT?

These tools are designed to serve the needs of individuals with disabilities, but they can also greatly benefit individuals without disabilities. Anyone who has difficulty (consistently or intermittently) with speaking, listening, typing, writing, remembering, seeing, learning, moving, planning, organizing, paying attention, or other difficulties which impede a student’s access to course content and materials may benefit from the use of assistive technology. Check out some of the specific tools below.

How Can I Learn More about AT?

Students registered with the Disability Support Services Office may speak with their AC-Accessibility Coordinator about potential AT tools and accommodations.

What Types of AT Tools are Available?

OTC’s Disability Support Services Office maintains a varied supply of AT tools available for loan to students registered with DSS. Other AT tools can be accessed in OTC’s built or online learning environments, or through outside providers/vendors, and/or on personal computers or devices.

Talk with your DSS Accessibility Coordinator to see if any of these tools may be of benefit to you.

Ask your AC about which AT tools are right for you

Learn about Software for Accessibility available at OTC

Livescribe Pen & Notebook Capture what’s important with an Echo smartpen. Record everything you hear, say, and write, while linking your audio recordings to your notes. See livescribe site or try out this tutorial video!

Digital voice Recorder for Lecture recording

C-Pen Exam Reader Allows students with dyslexia, or other reading difficulties, to take written exams without a human reader.
Roger Pen Microphone/Receiver  -This universal, wireless microphone in shape of a pen helps people with hearing loss to understand more speech in noise and over distance. The Roger Pen must be paired with the Roger MyLink which is a universal neckloop receiver, compatible with any hearing aid or cochlear implant with a T-coil.

Resources from IT at OTC

FUSION Software found on the IT Resource page under Accessibility Software (FUSION includes JAWS, a text -to-speech reader for hearing impaired students. And Zoomtext which allows for enlargement of screen display for low vision students)

READ/WRITE Software found on the IT Resource page under READ & WRITE GOLD

FREE Screen Reader Online

Natural Readers Online – online reader anyone can access and use for PDF documents, ebooks, etc. Check it out at their site.

AT Tools only available on site

DavinciHD All-in-One Desktop Magnifier for low vision is only available in the DSS office

Ubi Duo Face-to-Face Communicator for hearing-impaired is found in several locations across campus including DSS ICE116, Student Services, Cashier, Writing Center, and the TLC-Tutoring & Learning Center ICW 115.

Sorenson Video Phone for hearing-impaired is found in the study space next to the Eagle’s Nest in ICE

Learn more about personal AT tools

Rocketbook The Rocketbook system connects traditional handwriting surfaces with the power of the cloud.  (NOT available at OTC)

Irlen Overlays  Colored overlays are most effective for individuals whose difficulties are isolated to reading.  (NOT available at OTC)