After High School Graduation
Ozarks Technical Community College is offering the High School Programs Transition Scholarship to students who earned credit in any of OTC’s programs for high school students (Middle College, Career Center, Dual Credit, Early Start or College Now).
High School Programs Transition Scholarship:
- This scholarship pays for one college credit course (up to five credit hours) at the in-district Tier 1 tuition rate.
- The one-time award is good for the first semester they choose to enroll after high school graduation.
- If a student is eligible for the A+ scholarship and receiving A+ dollars, the A+ scholarship would pay first. In other words, this scholarship would not be needed.
- Students would only be responsible for the cost of course materials and any associated fees. If they are out-of-district and/or take a Tier II course, students will have to pay the difference in tuition in addition to course materials and associated fees.
To receive the scholarship, students must:
- Apply to OTC – If you participated in an OTC class within the last year, and you remember your OTC ID, move on to the next step.
- Complete the FAFSA
- If enrolling for summer classes: Complete the FAFSA for the current academic year. For example, if attending in summer of 2020, apply for 2019-2020 FAFSA.
- If enrolling for fall classes: Complete the FAFSA for the upcoming school year. For example, if attending in fall of 2020, complete the 2020-2021 FAFSA
- Complete a scholarship application at OTC’s Institutional Scholarship.

If you have questions about the OTC Application or admissions steps hyperlink, contact
If you have questions about the FAFSA or the High School Transitions Scholarship, contact