Happy New Year

There’s a special kind of excitement this time of year. The start of the fall semester is academia’s equivalent of New Year’s Day. It’s like life starts all over again–a new routine, fresh faces, plans to do this-or-that a little better, the promise of a clean slate. Another chance to get it right. Over the…

On Being a Small Person

Almost everyone who knows me knows how much I love commencement ceremonies. One of the perks of this job is that I get to attend so many of them. It was my great fortune to preside over my very first graduation ceremony in late April:  the High School Equivalency graduation. This is always one of…

Retention Tension

Ah, spring is in the air! Trees are blossoming, birds are singing and packages of Easter candy line the aisles at Target. Oh, and it’s time for the annual performance evaluation.   This process seems to strike fear in the hearts of faculty. Since I began in this position in January, I’ve heard a lot…