Testing Hours

No Testing During Finals Periods

Testing appointments are available on Fridays from 9am to 4pm. Appointments start every half hour – only one tester per half-hour appointment.

The Pegboard test is given at Springfield Campus Testing Services, located in Information Commons East 123A.


Dental Hygiene (DHY) and Surgical Technology (SUR) Applicants:

Once you complete the registration, you should receive a confirmation email from Testing Services.

What is Pegboard Testing

Pegboard testing is a manipulative dexterity test that uses a board containing twenty-five holes with randomly positioned slots and pegs which have a key along one side. Pegs must be rotated to match the hole before they can be inserted.

This procedure measures performance speed in a fine motor task by examining both sides of the body. Inferences may be drawn regarding possible lateral brain damage.

Testers have a maximum of 3 minutes per hand to perform the task.

Pegboard Testing