HESI Testing information

HESI General Information

HESI given at Ozarks Tech is for students who have started their application to the ASN Direct Entry and Practical Nursing Programs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you also applied to the ASN Direct Entry program, any HESI attempts for the 3/15 deadline count toward your 2 TOTAL attempts for the PN program 5/1 deadline.

You can choose to take the exam SEATED (in person at a testing center) OR ONLINE.

  • NO calculators – online calculator is disabled
  • NO headphones
  • NO Chromebooks

You are allowed a TOTAL of 2 attempts per application cycle.

HESI Online Information

ONLINE OPTION: Please READ entire document at the following link to create an account, pay for and prepare for the exam : HESI Test-Taker Portal 

Cost is $75 per exam.  Please read the Live+/Review+ Exam proctoring guide at this link: HESI-Live-Review-Proctoring-Guide-Guardian.pdf (proctoru.com) 

  ** OTC does not allow the use of any calculators on the HESI Exam, so the online one has been disabled. ** 


Testing is available any day and time that is convenient for you. 


You will trouble shoot any connectivity issues directly with ProctorU. You MUST use the live chat option for any help during the exam. Testing Services will not be able to assist. 


Contact OTC’s Disability Support Services for exams with approved accommodation(s). Do not use the exam name below.


  • When scheduling your exam online, please look for:

o        Institution: Elsevier-HESI  

o        Exam name: First Time PN/ASND Admissions   

o        Term: Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC)   

o        When scheduling the 2nd exam, look for:  Second Time PN/ASND Admissions   

  • You will be allowed 4 hours to complete the test. 
  • NO Calculators, NO study guides, NO internet, NO headphones, NO scratch paper are allowed to avoid incident report/invalid test score.  

  White Boards only or 1 sheet of paper inside a transparency sleeve used with a dry erase marker. MUST erase whiteboard prior to disconnecting.  

   You will see your results immediately after each section is complete.  To receive your full summary report, you will access that in your Evolve account within an hour after completing your exam. 

HESI Accommodated Testing Information

The first step in receiving testing accommodations on the HESI exam is contacting OTC’s Disability Support Services at 417-447-8189 or disabilityservices@otc.edu. If you are not a current DSS student, you will apply for accommodation(s) and complete the intake process.


You will be tested on reading comprehension, mathematics, anatomy, and physiology.

The Admission Assessment Exam Review, 5th Edition study guide can be found here:  https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9780323582261?role=student

You can check out a copy from the Springfield campus library if it is available (it is on a first come first served basis).

Ozarks Tech Students HESI Seated Testing information

Step 1: Create An Account on the Evolve Website

New Users Only. You only need to create an account once.

If you have an account already proceed to Step 2: Pay the Exam Fee.

To create a new account:

  1. Go to https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/register
  2. Enter all required information to create an account and click “Submit”.

*This does not provide a valid receipt. Proceed to Step 2 to pay the exam fee.

*Evolve will email you a new assigned username which you will use on test day (you will not use your email address as your username). Please remember your self-created password. 


Step 2: Pay the Exam Fee

Exam Fees

  • HESI A2 Assessment:  $35 (+ $3 non-refundable convenience fee if paying online)
  • Note: Starting July 1, the cost of the seated HESI will be $45 ($35 exam cost + $10 proctoring fee)

**Make sure not to pay for the exam until you are certain you will take it soon. Refunds are limited and issued only under specific circumstances.

Pay Online: You may pay your testing fees online using the Commerce Manager Payment System. There will be a $3.00 non-refundable processing fee when paying with Commerce Manager.
*Please bring a printed receipt with you to Testing Services on day of exam.

The exam fee covers a single attempt only.  Applicants who wish to make a second attempt must pay a second exam fee. Please read all the questions carefully when making a payment! If you take an incorrect attempt it could invalidate your scores!

Step 3: Schedule Your Exam

Once you have paid the exam fee, you can schedule an appointment to take the test.

  • There are TWO application HESI testing cycles:
    • 2/1-5/15
    • 7/1-12/3
  • Please note, you MUST take the exam in time to have test results ready by the deadline of the program you are applying to.

Springfield Campus

  • Testing Center (ICE 123A – 1001 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802)
  • Schedule the Springfield HESI exam through Testing Services’ online scheduling system starting January 2025: Testing dates and times are kept up to date on the schedule page.

Springfield Campus—Accommodated Testing

  • Accommodated Testing Center (Information Commons 100 L)
  • Email disabilityservices@otc.edu to schedule the HESI exam: Contact for Testing availability.

Lebanon Campus

  • Testing Center (RMC 105 – 22360 Highway MM Lebanon, MO 65536)
  • Email lebanonproctoring@otc.edu to schedule the HESI exam: Contact for Testing availability. 


Table Rock Campus

  • Testing Center (RWP 106 – 10698 Historic Highway 165 Hollister, MO 65672) 
  • Email  TSTableRock@otc.edu to schedule the HESI exam: Contact for Testing availability.

Step 4: Take the Test

On your test day, feel free to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment to allow time to check-in.

Bring the following items with you:

  • Photo ID.  Examples include:
    • Driver license or state identification card
    • Passport book or card
    • Military ID
    • Student ID
  • Your Evolve-assigned username (this new username is sent in an email after you created your account – this is not your email address) and self-created password.
  • Your receipt of payment.

The Testing Center will supply scratch paper and pencil. There is no calculator allowed.

Exams must be submitted by the time the Testing Center closes. If you have not completed your exam by closing time, you will be asked to submit your exam as is.

Step 5: After Testing

You will be given a printout of your results from the Testing Center.


For online access to results:

  1. Go to evolve.elsevier.com
  2. Log in with your username and password
  3. Select “HESI Assessment Student Access”
  4. Select “My Exams”

You will upload these results into the Application Portal.