Engineering: Civil (A.S.)
Engineering: Civil (A.S.)
Program Description
A.S. Degree: 63 Hours
The Associate of Science degree in Engineering incorporates the essential course work for the first two years of study in any engineering field. Some of the course requirements vary within the engineering departments cooperating in this program. In such cases, students will need to consult with the advisor as to the appropriate class for a particular engineering major. Students should consult with their faculty advisor and the institution to which they intend to transfer to ensure transferability of courses.
Engineering: Civil Program Requirements - 15 Credit Hours
General Education Requirements - 48 Credit Hours
CORE 42 is a statewide general education course of study intended to ensure that all graduates possess a common core of college-level skills and knowledge. CORE 42 specifies the basic competencies and knowledge areas that all students completing degrees at a Missouri public institution of higher education must complete. CORE 42 is comprised of dozens of courses distributed across five knowledge areas. These courses are designated with a Missouri Transfer (MOTR) course number, which guarantees the one-to-one transfer of these courses among all Missouri public institutions of higher education. Please refer to MDHE Core Transfer Curriculum for detailed information on CORE 42 courses.
All knowledge areas below, designated with the CORE 42 logo indicate all courses in that area have been evaluated and provided a MOTR number for transfer to all Missouri public institutions of higher education.
Mathematical Sciences - 16 Credit Hours
Written/Oral Communication - 6 Credit Hours
Social and Behavioral Sciences - 6 Credit Hours
Take one Civics course (HST 120, or HST 130, or PLS 101) and one Economics course (ECO 270 or ECO 275).
Humanities and Fine Arts/Social and Behavioral Sciences Electives - 6 Credit Hours
The 6 credit hours from this category should be based on the program of study requirements at the 4-year transfer institution
- ANT-101 Introduction to Anthropology
- ANT-220 Cultural Anthropology
- ART-100 Art and Experience
- ART-101 Art History I
- ART-105 Art History II
- ART-120 Drawing I
- ASL-101 American Sign Language I
- ASL-102 American Sign Language II
- COM-150 Intro Mass Communication
- CRM-210 Intro to Criminal Justice
- ECO-270 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-275 Principles of Microeconomics
- ENG-150 Technical Writing
- ENG-180 Introduction to Literature
- ENG-240 Survey English Literature I
- ENG-241 Survey English Literature II
- ENG-260 Survey of World Literature I
- ENG-265 Survey of World Literature II
- ENG-270 Survey American Literature I
- ENG-271 Survey American Literature II
- FRN-101 Beginning French I
- FRN-102 Beginning French II
- GRY-101 World Geography
- HST-105 Ancient and Medieval World History
- HST-106 Modern World History
- HST-120 U.S. History I: to 1865
- HST-130 U.S. History II: 1865-Present
- HUM-101 Introduction to the Humanities
- MUS-101 Music of the World
- MUS-105 Western Music Appreciation
- MUS-106 Jazz Appreciation
- MUS-110 Music Fundamentals
- MUS-235 OTC Concert Choir
- PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL-105 Introduction to Ethics
- PLS-101 American Government and Politics
- PLS-201 International Relations
- PSY-110 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY-130 Life Span Development Psychology
- REL-100 Intro Religions Of The World
- REL-101 Intro to Old Testament
- REL-102 Intro to New Testament
- SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC-215 Deconstructing Social Problems
- SPN-101 Beginning Spanish I
- SPN-102 Beginning Spanish II