Know the Code

At Ozarks Tech, we set high standards to help you get the most out of your education and get ready for the workforce. We want you to succeed while you’re here and in the future. That’s why we created a policy to explain our classroom rules and expectations, so everyone can enjoy a positive learning experience.

In addition to academics, you can add to your success by positively contributing to the culture of respect and civility on campus. The Ozarks Tech Student Code of Conduct is your roadmap to help. All students are encouraged to know the code.

This is your time. Make your Ozarks Tech experience the best it can be.


Attend class

Be sure to arrive on time and stay through the entire class.

Arrive prepared

Show up to class prepared and ready to participate.

Ask for help

Helping students is what we love to do!

Show respect

Treat your fellow students, instructors, Ozarks Tech employees and yourself with respect.