Business Department FAQs

What is the difference between an Associate of Arts and an Associate Applied Science degrees?

The purpose of an Associate of Arts (A.A.) is to fulfill general education requirements for a degree at a university.

Therefore, if you ever plan to complete a four-year degree, it is wise to get the A.A. degree.  The degree also includes the “43 hour block.”  Students who complete the 43 hour general education block at OTC may transfer to another participating institution (public or private). Once there, they will their block treated as equivalent to the general education block of the receiving institution.

Students completing an A.A. in business will not only complete their general education requirement, they will also have a head start to completing a business degree at a university.  OTC works with area four-year institutions, like MSU, Drury, Evangel and SBU. OTC finds out what lower level business courses they require in their business programs and offers an equivalent here.  Often times, OTC has an articulation agreement with the college/university so that certain accounting and business courses transfer easily into their business program.

The purpose of an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) is to prepare the student for the work force.

Completing an A.A.S. degree in accounting or business equips students with skills and knowledge to work in several areas of business.  Students can learn skills that will help them work in bookkeeping, retail management, sales or even opening a own business. These classes teach interview and writing skills that translate directly to work environments. Furthermore, OTC’s Career Employment Services assists students in connecting with business in the community and may result in placement.

If a student is planning on transferring to a four-year institution, the A.A.S. may not be the best option.  When transferring the A.A.S., universities will perform a course-by-course evaluation of your transfer credit instead of accepting the degree and all of its credits.

Will OTC courses transfer to other institutions? Why does it matter whether or not a school is accredited?


OTC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.  Our current accreditation status can be viewed here.

Because the accreditation process ensures colleges and universities meet certain standards and provide a quality education, typically, other regionally accredited institutions accept  most general education classes for transfer.

Each institution sets its own policy for accepting transfer credits. Due to this, OTC assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on the websites of other institutions.

Are the classes easier at a two-year school compared to a four-year school?

General education courses at two-year schools will cover the same material, in the same time frame, often using the same materials as courses at four-year schools. Students should be prepared to work just as hard at a two-year institution as they would at a four-year institution.

Can I get my A.A.S. in business completely online?

Yes. The college offers online versions for all of the courses required for the A.A.S. in business. Seated courses and online courses cover the same material. Therefore, online courses require students to prepare to spend as much time working as if they were participating in a seated course.

Can I get my A.A.S. in accounting completely online?

Yes. OTC offers online versions of all courses required for the A.A.S. in accounting. Hence, seated courses and online courses cover the same material. Therefore, online courses require students prepare to spend as much time working as if they were participating in a seated course.

What are the transfer options to four-year institutions?

There are many transfer options available to students who earn an Associates of Arts in Business (AAB) degree.  Transfer agreements are available to local universities, such as Missouri State University, Evangel University, and Drury University. Moreover, there are other transfer options to nearly all four-year colleges and universities across the country.