Updating Membership Rosters
To update your advisory committee membership roster with additions and removals, you must complete the Membership Change Form found on the intranet located at https://in.otc.edu/. Click on Advisory Committees under Academic Affairs. Then click on Membership Change Form located under the Forms section. You must submit your updates to Joanna Kramer by May 15 and November 15. Members may need to be removed for various reasons. Or, there may be new members you would like to add to your advisory committee. However, we do not remove or add members until officially approved through Dr. Higdon, in June or December.
New members, with the exception of student representatives, approved in June will officially start their three-year term the first of July. New members, with the exception of student representatives, approved in December will officially start their three-year term the first of January. Until officially approved, potential members attend advisory meetings as guests.